Sunday, May 31, 2015

Robot ( beta )

     The Robot is quite a famous rare. This is a members-only BETA. It's an animated item, and the robots' lights flash different colours from yellow to green, green to yellow, etc. Additionally, it moves it arms around randomly. It's mainly blue, with yellow feet and "hands." Now, onto what the item is worth:

Short/Long Spike Collar
Blue Shag Carpet
Yellow Sweets
Porch Swing (a little more)
Planet walls
First Birthday Cake (a little more, for now)
RC Car
BETA Table
Mira Statue 
Zios Sculpture


  1. i have a robot, i would like it for a red long collar, my user is valeriejam, jam agram me. thanks

  2. I have one if you want to offer for it my user is Alpaca7love and if I'm not online just buddy me and I will accept it in the jamaa gram. >,<

  3. This is the exact same thing that +MeiAn A.J. posted on her blog. She posted this before you did. Are you stealing? :/ Dude that's not okay.

  4. I have one my username is mom8735 i also have other rares and on april 4th 2017 my friend Asha is quitting and so i get all her stuff so i will get this really good cat masterpeice with almost 500 likes and I will probably hold onto it for a while. But if you trade me something really good i might say yes.

  5. I have a robot and my username is Leekcat I would like a short/long black or dark purple spike. Jag me if deal :)

  6. idk what the robot is worth but i think its worth a bad long or bad short collor. user xxorkabunnyxx

  7. I have a robot :p

    any offers?

    (Ign: Jiminjumin)
